Humid Heatwaves in South Asia: Economic Impact and Human Toll

Humid Heatwaves in South Asia: Economic Impact and Human Toll

April 2023's Humid Heatwaves in South Asia: Alarming Economic Consequences and Urgent Adaptation Demands.

Image by Stephanie Loewe

The humid heatwaves that ravaged South Asia in April 2023 took a toll on both lives and economies. Record-breaking temperatures, combined with high humidity levels, led to heat stroke cases, infrastructure damage, increased electricity demand, and forest fires. The economic consequences were significant, impacting local communities and necessitating urgent adaptation measures. Collaborating scientists analyzed the influence of climate change on the intensity and likelihood of these heatwaves, revealing a substantial increase driven by human activities. Vulnerable populations, including those with pre-existing conditions and outdoor workers, faced higher risks of heat-related health impacts. The full report provides valuable insights into the economic ramifications of humid heatwaves in South Asia and underscores the need for comprehensive adaptation measures. It highlights the urgency of addressing the specific needs of vulnerable communities and the importance of collective action to mitigate the growing risks posed by climate change-induced extreme heat events.

SOURCE: To gain deeper insights into the economic and social consequences of the heatwaves access the full report using the following link by World Weather



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